Romantic idea
My dad sent me a link to the song that was allegedly played by the musicians of the Titanic as they, along with another thousand passengers, awaited their death. I listened to the piece and then started reading the comments that people wrote. I stopped at one that read:
"thanks for posting this. my great grandmother and great grandfather where aboard the titanic and sadly went down with it. my great grandmother refused to get in a lifeboat so she stayed with my great grandfather till the time came for them to go. 😢
R.I.P anyone who died and may you be in the gentle and caring arms of God."
It touched my heart that the poster's great grandmother would have refused to get in a lifeboat so she could stay with her husband. I imagined her children must have been already old enough, hopefully she was already a grandma. Because I don't think you or I would have left our Bonito, even if that meant separating from each other. We would have need to be very sure our dear Nen didn't need us anymore.
As I was writing those words to my dad, tears rolled down my cheeks. What a romantic idea, that you and I could have reached old age!