María missing Archie...

"How we spend our days... is of course how we spend our lives. I couldn't have had any five years more full of days."

Thursday, August 08, 2019

The peace trying to lovingly hold you...

I just felt that peace.

Life has invited me to leave the house where I've lived for more than ten years. A house I fell in love with the first time I saw it, but at the same time, a house it wasn't easy to move into because it meant releasing the one I had shared with Archie.

Leaving this house was again not my choice, as it was not to leave the previous one. But life has mysterious ways and I am only now starting to learn how to surrender to them. Going through the memories was not half as hard as it was the previous time, but also not completely pain free. Archie is still everywhere because, as I always say, love never dies. This time I was stronger and managed to rid myself of some of the items I couldn't let go off in 2008. And I did it because I felt Archie guided me to do so. He would have done it himself. For example, silly things like the paperwork from frequent-flyer programs. In the past, I would have held on to it because it had Archie's handwritten notes. But this time, I could almost hear him say: "It's OK, if I were here, we would get rid of that."

Today, as I was lying down on the floor of an empty room which has been Nen's bedroom until a few days ago, I listened to my favorite meditation (for the past 3 months) and a phrase that had passed mostly inadvertently caught my attention:
Notice the peace trying to lovingly hold you
I do. I noticed the peace. Archie was all around me.


Blogger KimmyJ said...

Lovely and beautiful -- you write so well. Moving homes can feel jarring, debilitating and almost violent in the moment, but Archie's gentle, loving encouragement makes it feel more like "the next step" than a loss. Congratulations on your next step. xx Kim

6:19 PM  

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