María missing Archie...

"How we spend our days... is of course how we spend our lives. I couldn't have had any five years more full of days."

Monday, July 30, 2012

How I celebrated your birthday

Today you would have turned 44. Happy Birthday!

I decided that it was time to sharpen up my parenting skills. It had been too long since I read on the subject. When you were around I felt like we were the best parenting team in the world, but lately I feel I would just get a passing grade.

I went to the library and located the section on parenting. I spent half an hour selecting books and videos. It reminded me of when I was pregnant and we checked out tons of videos and books. As I searched through the materials, I saw one of the books you read, on fathering. I smiled. I ended up checking out 17 books and 7 DVDs today.

I started with an interesting video that comes with a beautiful decalogue:

1- Reconsider your requests.
2- Put the relationship first.
3- Love has to be unconditional.
4- Imagine how kids see things.
5- Be authentic.
6- Talk less, ask more.
7-  Attribute to children the best possible motives consistent with the facts.
8- Try to say Yes when you can.
9- Don't be rigid.
10- Let kids decide whenever possible.

This year for your birthday I offer you my commitment to work on being the best parent possible, despite your absence.
I love you.