First trip, last trip
For some, today it's St. Patrick. For me it's Snow Day. Yesterday eight years ago we drove to Tahoe for a ski weekend with a group of colleagues and their families. For the first time in that trip I noticed your being special. I enjoyed occupying the passenger's seat of your splendid Acura on the way to our cabin. March 17th was Saturday: I saw you skiing, you looked so athletic, so handsome. Our first trip together.
Five years deeply in love.
Yesterday three years ago we drove to Tahoe with two-year-old Nen. March 17th Nen saw the snow for the first time. A thick layer covered our car. A bulldozer came to clean the parking lot, a scene that our little Nen enjoyed very much. He'd make you break the icicles. "Otro", he'd say. Then he'd sink it in the snow to join the rest of the sword collection. Our last trip together.
Three years missing you.