María missing Archie...

"How we spend our days... is of course how we spend our lives. I couldn't have had any five years more full of days."

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Today 10 months ago...

It was a day I'd like to erase... the day Archie passed from being almost out of the ICU to being hooked up to a ventillator again. I can't believe it's been 10 months, 10 months without my love, I can't believe it...

While taking the usual afternoon walk with Nen, I revived the story of "Hola, papaíto", that Nen so much likes, in my mind, and I noticed something for the first time. The day that happened was May 16th, 2006. We had a wonderful day; Nen, Archie, and I. Archie was full of life and joy. Exactly a month later, June 16th, he was dying in a hospital room...

(Today a year ago, it was a happy day: my aunt arrived from Spain to spend a week with us)