Ten years ago
We had just returned from our honeymoon.
We thought nine months was enough delay and in a matter of days we put together a trip to Moorea, leaving from Los Angeles on October 14 at 12:50 a.m. and returning on the 22nd. An unforgettable trip! We toured in a jeep, biked, canoed, and rented for a day the most expensive car we ever rented (no alternative on the island). We saw Polynesian temples, a traditional wedding, and the best camping location we could imagine. Our favorite was the ocean. I remember as one of the most exciting experiences of my life the day that we swam with sharks and rays. Another dear memory I have is the day we biked around the island and you insisted in husking a coconut. You had no tools, just a few rocks and sticks you found. It took you some time, but you made it!
I love you.