María missing Archie...

"How we spend our days... is of course how we spend our lives. I couldn't have had any five years more full of days."

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Nen turns 10

At about this time ten years ago Archie and I started our daily walk, but we couldn't finish it. We headed home and called our midwife. "I feel that if I walk some more the baby is going to drop out." She summoned us at the hospital to check me. Yes, it was Nen's time. Our Bonito Boy was on his way.

Archie could only enjoy a short portion of this adventure, Nen's life. But if he were here, I bet he would be very happy to see what we've made of it. It hasn't been easy--sometimes a stop by an old place brings me memories of terrible, awful years (2006, 2007, 2008). But we made it through and Nen is a happy child. Tonight at midnight we'll celebrate the beginning of this ten-year journey.

Cheers... and thank you, love, for getting us started!


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