María missing Archie...

"How we spend our days... is of course how we spend our lives. I couldn't have had any five years more full of days."

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

It's your birthday!

For some reason, what comes to mind is the song that was on Nen's first CD, that somebody gave him as a baby. It was one of my favorite, along with "Pop goes the weasel." Both made me cry when I listened to them after you were gone, but the birthday song I have probably heard only once in these years (unlike the other). So I don't even know who the author is, or even the title. I just know it says, "It's your birthday once a year" (then goes on and on) and it ends with "so have a happy birthday." I'll see what youtube says
After a lot of research, I couldn't find it. I'll have to look for it when we get back home. We are in Ulm, so that Nen can improve his German.
But I meant to say... we love you, and we miss you!


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