From tomorrow on...
Nen will have lived more time without Archie than with him. Sad. Dear Nen was 2 years, 4 months, and 8 days when he saw his dad for the last time. We brought him to the hospital, as every day before he went to the ICU (as a consequence of the Acute Lung Injury caused by the pleurodesis drug).
We played and had dinner together. Matete took Nen home for bed. I walked them out of the room to the elevator. Minutes later, my cell phone had disappeared. As an irony of fate, Archie would never again need his, so I kept it.
A cell phone -- gone
A human being -- gone
A child -- fatherless
As Archie's cell phone "lived" through me, so does Archie. Nen and I make him live. I relive him for Nen through the stories, that fortify the memories he has, which would otherwise fade with time. He relives Archie for me too, reminding me of the wonderful moments of love the three of us shared together in those two years and four months. My beautiful Nen, my Architito, as some call him, is the image of his dad.
Just as every night before going to sleep, I profess my love to you, Amor.
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