Feliz Aniversario, Amor...
This time I left the 10th go by without a word. But of course I relived, like every month, the beauty of the last day we had in happiness, June 10, which was both my dad's birthday and our dating anniversary according to Archie (according to me it was the 12, so today, and I cry out: "Happy Anniversary, Lovie"); and then the nightmare from hell of June 11, doomed date...
Yesterday evening, organizing our mail compartments, I went through both of yours ("todo" and "file") for the first time, so it was as you have left it. I fount many happy dates, all of them!! I would look at the date, to know where to file it and I would think what we were doing at that point. All happy memories! There were endless lists of things to do handwritten by you. It's amazing how all of them included medical stuff: check scans, do blood work, talk to doctors, symptoms, etc. Poor you! Despite all that, a special one popped up as a treat for the anniverary: below the list of things to do, by the lower margin, there was a note you wrote to yourself:
you feel well
you have a wonderful, loving wife
you both have a beautiful, precious boy
tomorrow is another day with things to do.
Judging by the context, the note was probably written when Nen had 9 months. Happy times...
Amor: you were amazing, what an attitude to life! I love you, I love you soooo much.
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